Cool Shaphing &
Weight Loss Program
Coolshaphing & Weight Loss Program is one of the treatments that you can do at the Stay Beauty Aesthetic Clinic, this CoolShaping program has become an increasingly popular non-surgical medical treatment to remove unwanted fat without surgery, a method of slimming the body by removing fat quickly and using the best formula with world standards so you can be sure to be safe and secure with no recovery-
time and feel healthy from every angle.
Coolscupting or also known as cryolipolysis is a non-surgical body shaping procedure. This is one way to get rid of excess fat under the skin. These fat cells will freeze (crystallize), then die and decay through the body's exhaust system without affecting other tissues, making your body shape more ideal.
Some of the advantages of coolshaping are that apart from being more effective, this method does not cause infection or scarring because it does not go through the surgical route. The result looks natural as excess fat will gradually disappear.

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Benefits of
Cool Shaping & Weight Loss
Program Treatment
- Lowering the number of fat cells in the body
- Beautify your body shape