Ultra PRP Treatment
Ultra PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma)treatment is a treatment that usesblood plasma from patients undergoing this treatment, which is rich in platelets. One of the advantages that PRP has is its ability to stimulate healing of bones and soft tissues. Besides being practiced in cases of injury, PRPtherapy has also been applied in the skin.
PRPis one of the popular facial treatments to prevent premature aging. PRP uses a portion of the patient's blood to form plasma which is rich in growth factors and is able to help regenerate the skin and provide a rejuvenating effect. This blood plasma will be reapplied to the surface of the skin for medical and aesthetic therapeutic purposes.
The main function of the PRP treatment is to naturally rejuvenate the skin. Platelets in blood plasma can stimulate the growth of collagen tissue in the skin resulting in regeneration of new skin cells.
Treatment results appear 3-4 weeks after treatment.

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Benefits of
Ultra PRP Treatment
- Skin Rejuvenation and Anti-Aging
- Stimulates hair growth
- Acne scar treatment
- Reducing the stretchmark